“That’s one small step for man, One giant leap for mankind” Apollo 11 Commander Neil A. Armstrong said after landing on the Moon on July 20, 1969, at 4:17:40 P.M. EDT.
There were many hardworking scientists who made JFK's dream a reality. David Vuich and six of his friends and colleagues were the “Magnificient Seven” Serbs (AKA "Serbo 7 Team") who worked in the early space program.
All of these men were recipients of the “Apollo Achievement Award” from The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The award came with an inscription:
“In appreciation of dedicated service to the nation as a member of the team which has advanced the nation’s capabilities in aeronautics and space and demonstrated them in many outstanding accomplishments culminating in Apollo 11’s successful achievement of man’s first landing on the moon, July 20, 1969.”
The following photo with the Apollo 11 Spacecraft in
the background includes the original "Serbo 7 Team" as follows from
left to right:
Slavoljub "Sam" Vuich, from Panchevo, Avionics Systems Engineer.
Paul Duich, from Centerville, Iowa, family from Lika, Retired USAF Col., Logistics Manager.
Danilo Bojic, from Crna Gora, Mechanical Engineer, Designed Apollo emergency escape system.
Milojko "Mike" Vucelic, from Dreznica, Lika, Chief Engineer, Apollo Spacecraft Launch Director.
Milos Subatovich, from Beograd, Structural Engineer, former Royal Yugoslavian Air Force Pilot.
Peter Galovich, from Hudson Wyoming, family from Lika, Electronics Engineer.
David Vuich, from Midland, PA, Father from Okucani, Slavonija, North American / Rockwell - NASA Project Coordinator.
The Magnificient 7 are the latest in the long list of Serb great
scientists and inventors including Nikola Tesla and Michael Pupin.
This history-making event ranks among the greatest human accomplishments of all time as the world stood still and America stood tall and proud, for its technology triumphed by winning the space race over the former Soviet Union. Yes indeed, this momentous event was great for America, its space program, and the Apollo program in particular.
Here are just some of the items and technologies that have improved, evolved from, or are a direct result of the Apollo program and NASA related research.
* Kidney dialysis
* Fire resistant fabrics
* Water purification systems
* Senors to test for hazard gas
* Energy-saving materials
* The LZR Racer swimsuit
* Battery-powered precision surgical instruments
* Algae-based nutritionally enriched infant formula
In addition to receiving the "Apollo Achievement Award", Mr. Vucelic also received the “Freedom Award” from President Lyndon B. Johnson for guiding Apollo 13 safely back to Earth. I was saddened when Mr. Vucelic passed in 2012 as I know his son. Vechnaya Pamyat! Memory Eternal!
Text and photos courtesy of AMERICAN SRBOBRAN on Wednesday, October 3, 2012, page 35. Mr. David Vuich provided titles and backgrounds.
Posted by Tomislav S. Djurdjevich on July 21, 2015.